Saturday, March 13, 2010

Boring... I guess this is an update...

I barely feel old enough for children yet. Im 20 but I look about 17. I gues i will mature when I need to.

Today was uneventful
1. got up to screaming partner who had smashed two glasses.
2. He left to help his dad out
3. I watched Juno... Halarious. But im definatly not adopting this baby out...
4. Swept the floor outside the caravan.
5. Played Pet Society on Facebook.

Im thinking of cleaning the inside of the caravn and then going through all the rubbish outside.
OMG I can heard my lil brother in law screaming his lungs out (He is almost 2) These are the sort of things that really put you off.

I found an interesting book, it had some really good info, but the woman was originally a full time working woman who quit to become a satyat home mum and she was really negetive about it, like it wasnt worth while doing, that she didnt feel equal to her partner.
I really dont ever want to work full time, I think I have found my calling as a mother, (even though I still feel too young) And Im definatly going to be a full time mum, that can be one of the hardest jobs out there.
Anyway I found a schedule this chick used on her new born. It was like feed the baby atfour hour intervals, or something. Of course you can compremise, but I think getting the child into a schedule early on is a great idea and I am going to give it a try, even though it will take some time for the baby to get used to. It said like 10pm, 2am, 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm. I know it sounds like alot of work but babys are meant to be arnt they?
Also they had some rules for parents with newborns. I can only remember a few but it included like:
- never bring the baby into bed with you, coz it will become habit and you wont be able to get them out later on.
- alway put the baby to bed, awake but drowzy, never walk around waiting for your baby to fall alseep in your arms.
- Rest at every oportunity, coz, well, you'll defintly need it.

Anyway thats all the stuff I can think of at the moment. ciao. :)

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